Employing the right team at Savane Properties is the single most important factor in delivering superior homes to our clients. We’ve brought together a highly experienced, talented, and customer-service-focused group of professionals. With this diverse talent, I know Savane can deliver the highest quality homes with the highest finish levels. As you read these bios, you will see our team brings exactly the skills that allow us to meet this high bar.

John Morgan



John Morgan

President and Founder of Savane

Mike Greco

Partner, Construction, Master of ARchitecture

Kevin Klinger

Partner, Design, Master of ARchitecture


Silvia Neyman

Director of Operations / Controller

Erin Johnson

Administrative Coordinator


Cynthia Pedersen

Senior Architect, Master of Architecture

Nima Ferdosi

Architect, Master of Architecture  

Juan Azuero

Designer, Bachelor of Architecture


Brian Gutzmer

Senior Project Manager, Field

Steve Poole

Senior Project Manager, Field

Antonio Aguilar